On 27 September, the NAEO (in conjunction with The Exams Office) launched the 2023 Exams Officer survey. The survey is open until 3 November, and we are asking all exams officers to devote 10-15 minutes of their time to provide their feedback. It is imperative to acquire the views of the exams officer community to enable the NAEO to identify the issues and challenges facing exams officers within their centres and to represent these to key stakeholders within the examination and education sector.
The main focus of the 2023 survey is to identify areas of good practice amongst awarding bodies and to use this feedback to work with JCQ to encourage greater consistency in awarding bodies processes.
All responses to the annual survey will be treated anonymously, however, the final, amalgamated data will be shared with colleagues at the Department for Education (DfE), Ofqual, the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) and its member awarding bodies, and other representative organisations within the education sector, and help to shape policy and regulations relating to the management, administration and conducting of examinations.
Your feedback will also influence the future strategy and direction of both the National Association of Examinations Officers and The Exams Office to ensure that the necessary support is given to exams officers.
We would like to thank The Exams Office for their support in promoting the annual survey.
Data from the survey will be published on the NAEO website during December.