Exams Officer of the Year Nomination Form 2025

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Nomination Form

The annual Exams Officer of the Year award is designed to recognise exams officers who have delivered excellence in their role in one or more areas, for example within your centre, or within the wider exams community.

Nominations can be made by a peer, colleague or senior leader who has a working relationship with the nominee. Nominations from exams officers/colleagues outside of the nominee's centre are also encouraged, to highlight the positive influence and/or wider impact the nominee has made to the exams community. This may include members of network groups, local exams officers who have received support from the nominee, or colleagues within an academy trust/partner schools where support has been delivered.


Nominee for Exams Officer of the Year

Exams Officer Professional Standards

Tick the box to confirm if:
If you are a senior manager/line manager who is nominating their exams officer, to confirm your exams officer is completing/has completed the Exams Officer Professional Standards 2024/25
If you are nominating your colleague/peer and you are aware they are completing/has completed the Exams Officer Professional Standards 2024/2025, do not tick the box if you are not sure


In order for the judges to make informed decisions we need examples of how your colleague has delivered excellence, so we have created a suggested framework of questions to help you tell us about your nominee.

Achievement of, or working towards the Exams Officer Professional Standards, underpins the Exams Officer of the Year Award and working towards this/achievement of the Standards in 2024/25 is an advantage to a nomination.

We have suggested three categories: Impact, Support and Innovation. Please feel free to give us evidence in as many categories as you wish. The more details you can give us, the better we can understand the achievement your exams officer has made in the exams community. There is also the option to give your Own Evidence if the categories we have chosen do not cover everything that you want to say.

Please select any category to start to add evidence. You can then move on to another category, or return and amend an already completed category, by using the drop-down box below. If you need to end a session before you have fully completed your nomination please use the 'save nomination' button at the top of the page. You can then return to complete your nomination at any time up until the closing deadline on 31 May 2025.

Please choose the first evidence category you would like to add: